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Goal Statement

My goal as an educator is to never stop learning so that I can continue to be an effective educator. I believe that an effective teacher is one that continues to not only master new skills, but be able to implement them into the classroom. Although education as we know it will change, one thing for certain is that technology is and will play a major role. Not embracing and utlizing technology would be a diservice to students.


I enjoy implementing technology into to the classroom. The numerous benefits technology brings is unmeasurable, although sometimes difficult to implement when teachers are faced with the many facets of teaching. I have the priviledge to be working in a school district that is implementing an "iPad initiative". This program involves each student (7th-12th) be given an iPad. Being involved in an initiative like this has been motivating and exciting. 



I’m a true believer in “teacher community”. Teachers benefit from collaborative efforts, which in turn helps students learn. My intention and goal is that this website becomes a vessel for projects I’m working on and resources that I’m using. I hope this site not only helps teachers but benefits the "teacher community" as a whole. The understanding and implementation of technololgy can create more effective teachers, which ultimately creates a succesful environment for all parties involved.


student looking at ipad

Image of one of my students using an iPad app called "Nuclear" to explore atomic structure. With apps like this, students are able to manipulate and build models that are normally "inanimate". 

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